Saturday, 23 April 2011

On Good Friday morning the Upper Norwood corps, in co-operation with other local churches, presented the Easter story from the musical 'The Witness'.
After the meeting the combined churches held an open-air service on the green outside where the UN Band provided musical meditation and accompaniment to the singing.

This was followed by a walk of witness around the Crystal Palace Triangle and residential areas.

Many folk were heard to remark about the group nicely positioned "under the spreading chestnut tree"!

Left click on the photographs to enlarge.

Friday, 15 April 2011

The corps held its annual Spring Fayre on 2 April 2011. 

At regular intervals an ensemble of the band played outside the hall to promote the event.

Well done Band!

Note the friendly Community Police Officer standing by to keep the peace.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Click on picture to enlarge
The Balham Corps is 120 years old this year and during each month of 2011 it is presenting a celebration event.  The Upper Norwood Corps Band took part in a musical evening that featured other groups and soloists. 
The Balham hall was packed for the occasion and a wonderful spirit of worship and eucumenical fellowship prevailed.  A special feature of the evening was the final item when the band played 'The Balham March' composed in 1925 by the corps' bandmaster at that time - Bandmaster Charles A. Sherriff.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Shown here is a photograph of the band at Downview Women's Prison.  Christmas carolling at the prison with a small ensemble has been a regular feature in the past.  On Sunday, 13 February 2011, the band went with a larger number of players to present a full musical programme.  It was well received with some excellent singing and participation from the audience.

Photograph taken by Oupa Pete

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

The founding fathers of the Upper Norwood Corps must have stood aghast when the band played in the hall at a corps function without uniform. Yes, nay a bonnet, epaulet or trimming in sight! 
The occasion was a Saturday Night Talent Spectacular to raise funds for new chairs for the hall.  A wealth of hidden talent was revealed and not the usual presentations you see at the Army including a song in five different languages sang by the young ladies of the International College for Officers.  Not to be outdone the songsters sang 'You gotta friend in me' from 'Toy Story' and 'Somewhere over the Rainbow' from the 'Wizard of Oz'.  The second half of the programme was more devotional in nature and the Band's last item was 'Wonderful Grace' - a piece arranged by a recent band member, Lt Nicholas Samuels.

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Bandmaster Lt Colonel Mike Williams – Upper Norwood Band

  Bandmaster Lt Colonel Mike Williams has sadly had to relinquish his duties as bandmaster of the Salvation Army Upper Norwood Corps Band.
The occasion was marked by a special service of Recognition and Appreciation with a tribute from euphonium player Russell Allen and the presentation of a Certificate of Appreciation by corps officer Major Jenine Main. Mike then conducted the band in a rendition of the march ‘Star Lake’.Mike has been a member of the band for the past thirty-two years, deputy bandmaster for a period of eleven years and since 2004 the bandmaster. Mike is an accomplished B flat bass player and was a member of the ISB for ten years but he recalls that during the 32 years at Upper Norwood he has played every instrument and part possible, including percussion.

It was a moving and emotional service and Mike will be sorely missed in this position.